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Monday, 21 May 2018

How to come across the set of rules that keep you alive but not awake

I pity the ones that love me too late
but the ones that adore me the most
if some sort of vanity comes across
then I shall carry the nails for my coffin

cremate me today and play with my ashes
though building a wheel for the ones with no legs
might cause a disruption in finding a splinter
a so perfect splinter for blinding the man
that's already blinded by tears and destruction

your face almost fading
your face, but your eyes

I carry the night and the nails for my coffin
chasing together some dimming light

21st May 2018, Constanta, Romania

Thursday, 17 May 2018


my beloved demon
look at that moonstone
go ahead
grab it, hold it
squeeze it until it bleeds night
kiss it until it weeps nightmares

and hear my whispers

"humans touch me
with sparrow feathers"

my ankle
the shape of a thistle
it succumbs into dark mirrors

"humans kiss my bottom lip
before and after a drink or two"

it's you
who's here
who's bestowed secluded alleys
in front of my feet

don't let the moonstone sneer

"humans die before they live
and after that they die some more"

don't you adore my shoulder bare?

my endless demon
come to me
and hide my eyes
into your eyes
into these thousand lies
that crumble in a pleasant chase

I have no grace
to rip the stones we batter

here in my arms
oh, damn you,
how you shatter!

17th May 2018, Constanta, Romania

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


unbearable moments
of befriending with razors
across my skin

the puppets are dancing
not holding hands
me in between

beheading the snowman
the master of sands

abiding to gravity
not now, but then

please, let me in
unfold my virtues
one by one
and as you pin
my sanity
into a silent black sun
pray for these moments

you, demon who torments
my nightmares in white

pray as you run

15th May 2018, Constanta, Romania

Saturday, 12 May 2018


arranging chaos by chaos
chaos's got no limits
what are its borders?

chaos is un patterned therefore I can assign any pattern I would like to it
is its center a border itself?

we have to be chaotic to explore chaos (rules of flexibility apply)
how do we manage its borders?
do we want that?
do we need its border, if we are willing to explore it?
do we want this to end?
         YES: find borders
         NO: fuck borders

suicide is a border
if we like chaos, we don't end it
we keep it to ourselves

how do we handle chaos?
do we want this?
         YES: there is no chaos --> borders
         NO: accept chaos

put chaos aside when world is coming in

12th May 2018, Constanta, Romania